This spring semester of the 2024-2025 school year, the Eagle Eats program will take flight. The organization which is now a part of the Lake Andes Food and Wellness Council, has recently sent out registration forms as well as an online link to sign up to receive a monthly weekend food bag. Online registration has since closed and the team is working on getting the number of families that are in need compiled in order to be able to put a budget together to give them a picture of the logistics of getting students the food bags starting in February. The program will serve the students the rest of this semester with a re-evaluation to follow this summer to make any necessary program adjustments.
Read moreWe have completed our 2nd week of the 100th legislative session. Things are picking up in the second week. There are almost 200 bills introduced already. IserveontheCommerce and Energy committee and the State Affairs committee. State Affairs typically covers the hot topic state issues and Commerce and Energy covers a wide variety of issues related to all business happenings, licensing, insurance, utilities, alcohol, tobacco, gaming and muchmore.Ibelievethebigger issues we will be facing this session are education savings accounts, eminent domain reform, a potential new prison, statelibraryfundingandSouth Dakota Public broadcasting funding. HB 1052 an act to prohibit theexerciseofeminentdomain for a pipeline that carries carbon oxide passed in State Affairs 10-3. The bill will move to the House. I supported the bill. This has been the biggest issue in the legislature while I haveservedyou.ReferredLaw failed in every county I represent. HB 1022 an act to prohibit themisbrandingofanycellcultured proteinproductpassedin the House. I supported the bill to protect livestock producers and their consumers. I had the honor to sponsor several high schoolers to serve as pages: Kendra Endorf, Brooke Endorf and my son, Brayden Bahmuller. We should all be proud of their service to South Dakota they have represented us well. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to be a part of the legislative process and developabetterunderstanding ofgovernment.Bythetimeyou are reading South Dakota may haveanewGovernor.Icongratulate GovernorKristiNoemon her new position and wish her well. This should be a smooth and quick transition. Once Governor Noem is approved by the Senate she will resign as Governor and Lieutenant Governor Larry Rhoden will automatically become our next Governor. I would like to thank the Bon Homme County 4-Hers, Freeman Academy High School, FFA District Officers, thehomeschoolstudents and many constituents who visited the capitol and reached outregardingbills.Likealways visiting with you is always the best part of my week. When reaching out via emailplease include our District or your hometown we received many emails and I want to know I am working for my people. It is an absolute honor to serve you.
Read moreFor the last five years, I have had the great privilege of serving my local health system as Medical Director for Home Hospice. Every week I sit in a meeting with the multidisciplinary caretakers on this team – the nurses who provide the great majority of the handson care, social worker, pharmacist, dietician, and pastor. We discuss all the patients currently under our care and discuss how we can improve each patient’s suffering and maximize their quality of life.
Read moreWeek 2 of the 100th Legislative session has come to a close. The joint committee of appropriations had another full schedule! Check out to find the full list of our schedule, or listen back through meetings at
Read moreThe 100th Legislative session of South Dakota has begun, we are off and running and the first two weeks are in the books. So, let’s do a quick recap of what’s been happening in those two weeks. The first week of Session is always kind of slow with a lot of speeches and meetings along with old friends getting reacquainted and getting committees organized, so you can also imagine this drives me a little crazy. Let’s talk about week two because this is the week where the session really starts as committees are meeting and we start seeing some bills on the floor. I guess first I should let you know what committees I’m on and how I believe they will affect District 21. It was an honor that the Republican Caucus elected me Assistant Majority Leader for the next two years and with that position comes a lot more responsibilities serving the Caucus and its members. I’ve been given the Chair of Ag and Natural Resources again and I’m very happy and excited to be in this position which gives me the opportunity to promote and safeguard one of our states largest industries and I don’t take that job lightly. I also will serve as Vice Chair of State Affairs committee as well as Chair of GOAC ( Government Operations and Audit ) which mainly meets in the summer when we are not in session. Serving on these committees gives me the insight to know and understand what’s going on in our state and what I can do to promote or protect South Dakota. Ok, enough of all that, let’s look at some bills that came our way this week. We had some interesting bills in State Affairs starting with HB 1053 which would require age verification on websites containing material that is harmful to children. This bill has been named the ‘Porn bill’ by most of the media and passed on a Party line of 11-2. Bills like this can be a little confusing because none of us like government telling us what we can and cannot read or view but remember we show ID to buy cigarettes and alcohol to protect children, so I think this made sense. Now the bad news, we voted to put two Constitutional Amendment on the ballot for 2026. I can hear everyone moaning and groaning as I write this, but I felt both were important. I’ll speak to them more in depth later if they clear the Senate, but one has to do with Medicaid and protects us from spending money we don’t have while the other would require a 60 percent margin to amend our States Constitution in the future. Yes, I see the irony of 50% plus one of us can pass a measure that will require 60% plus one in the future, welcome to politics and government that sometimes doesn’t make a lot of sense. Also, we passed HB 1056 which puts a lot more regulation on Kratom products, Kratom is an over the counter product that one can get high from and has been linked to some deaths and it was time for this bill. It was decided we need to be more aggressive on labeling when it pertains to fake meat products that are being developed and grown in labs, so we passed HB 1022 which makes it illegal for those products to be labeled as real meat. Like I said its just getting started so not a lot to report this week, but something tells me next week will be more interesting. By the time you read this we should have a new Governor and Lt Governor serving South Dakota which means yours truly gets to go to another Inauguration Ball, lucky me. Until next week stay warm and as always it’s my honor to serve you all and if you need to reach me my contact information is Marty. or call me at 605-680-0304.
Read moreHello District 19 – Tuesday marked the start of the second week of the 100th Legislative Session, and with that, the pace and workload have increased. As of Friday, we only have 30 days left of the session, so I anticipate some long days ahead as we wrestle several major issues.
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