At the December 19th meeting of the Wagner American Legion there was quite a sight to behold.
Read moreWhen many people hear the term plastic surgery images of Hollywood stars trying to fight back the effects of aging come to mind. It is easy to assume that plastic surgeons just deal in vanity. However, that would minimize everything that these talented surgeons accomplish with their scalpels. The term “Plastic Surgery” comes from the Greek term “Plastikos” meaning “to shape or form.”
Read moreThe National Guard’s birthday has been nationally recognized as December 13th. Even though this day is not a federal holiday, it is an opportunity to recognize the National Guard’s role in the defense of the nation as well as its history. The significance of this day is that it marks the beginning of organized militia and the beginning of the country’s oldest military units. On December 13, 1636, the Massachusetts Bay Colony organized its militia members into three different divisions in order to defend their colony. This was the first time that a village militia was divided into divisions in America. For the state of South Dakota, the National Guard origins date back to 1862 as part of the Dakota Territory.
Read moreThe Avon Choir Department were busy bees on Wednesday, December 18th, making the rounds spreading Christmas cheer through music all around town. At 9 a.m. the 8th grade loaded a bus and made their way to three daycares in town. They started at Mellissa’s daycare, loving that some kids were plugging their ears, while others were jiving in their seats. Then they headed to Avon Pirate Prep, where all the kiddos sat so nicely and one cutie ended our song with an enthusiastic “YAY!!” One last stop went to Cindy Sassaman’s daycare. Most of the kiddos were excited for us to be there, minus a baby that wasn’t sure about our performance. The 8th grade headed back to class, but April kept the bus warm because soon after, the Avon High School Choir members loaded the bus to head to the Manor. There, they sang their Christmas songs they performed at their concert, and even added two birthday songs for two community members. They performed so well, bringing tears to a few people’s eyes. These community outreach experiences are so good for our students, and by seeing the smiles on the audience’s faces it is all so very well worth it. Everyone have a blessed Christmas season and thank you for allowing us to perform for you on this cold December day! Submitted by Autumn Schultz
Read moreMembers of the Avon High School Choir loaded a bus to go see the movie “Wicked” at the Mitchell movie theater on November 25th. It is a musical film with songs by Stephen Schwartz. They went to see the first installment of a two-part film adaptation of the stage musical “Wicked”. Featuring Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba, and Ariana Grande as Galinda. It is amoviethatexploresthemesof loathingsomeone,thenfinding out you have more in common than you ever believed, allowing it to turn into a friendship. It’s about identity, acceptance, andself-love.Themusicalcame out in 2003, and for all Wicked musical lovers, it was very exciting news that the movie was finally released!
Read moreWagner Communi ty School 2024 Winter Concert
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