The Lake Andes Food and Wellness Council has been a part of the Lake Andes community since 2015. The Food and Wellness Council was created as part of a South Dakota State University (SDSU) grant that chose three communities (DeSmet, Lower Brule and Lake Andes) to form Well Connected Communities.
Read moreThe HOSA International Leadership Conference was heldJune26th-29thinHouston, TX. HOSA stands for Health OccupationsStudentsofAmerica. The purpose of the HOSA organization is to empower students looking to become future health professionals to become leaders in the health community at the global level, through education, collaboration and experience. The organization gives students experience and exposure to differentpathwaystohelpthem decide what they might like to pursue after graduation. Not onlyisiteducationalbutallows them to compete in fun ways.
Read moreCharles Mix County 4-H Horse Show was held Tuesday, June 25th at the 7-N Arena in Springfield. The judge for the show was Kayla McMackin from Worthing. Charles Mix had five participants.
Read moreKnotheads welcomed a new coffee/specialty drink shop at their location in Pickstown on Friday, June 20th. Sips In Bloom opened its doors at 7 a.m. that morning and has been in business ever since. Nikki Fathke is the sole owner and operator of the drink shop. When asked how she came up with the name Sips In Bloom, Nikki said that she wanted something unique and creative, but also relevant and memorable.
Read moreDoctors are taught medical terms and jargon in medical school like a secret code. Many medical terms are rooted in Greek and Latin. Over the course of our training, these words become second nature and we become fluent in this medical “language”, although we are also expected to talk to our patients using simple terminology. However, most specialties in medicine still use the original Greek and Latin roots for their names. Once you know where these names come from, everything makes sense.
Read moreThe Avon 10U team took the championship in playoff action Monday, July 1, in Platte. The team defeated Wagner 3-2 and Platte 4-3 to claim the win. Congratulations!!!!
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