Avon Chamber's Kickoff to Christmas Parade
Read moreWagner High School senior, Madi Robertson, competed in Mitchell at the District 4 Leadership Development Event (LDEs) on November 18th.. LDEs are held in the fall of each year and are a way for FFA students to demonstrate their natural abilities and practiced skills in created situations that highlight public speaking, decision making, communication and their knowledge of agriculture as well as the FFA organization. Madi competed in the Employment Skills division. She chose this competition specifically because she wanted to gain real life experience of how to get ready for an interview and wanted to overcome the nerves that come with that type of situation. She has really enjoyed this type of competition because she has been able to view a rubic that gaves her details that go into the interview, which has allowed her to improve on her skills. Madi has been competing in this particular LDE for the past three years and has improved each year. This year Madi ended her senior year with 9th place at the District 4 competition. She did not advance to the state competition, but instead won something much more valuable, confidence in both herself and her interview skills. As a freshman, Madi had also done the Creed Speaking LDE event, which is only open to 7th – 9th graders. This was the beginning of helping Madi become comfortable in public speaking and aided her skills in memorization.
Read moreThis year’s National Special Education Day is being celebrated on December 2nd. This day honors the signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which became a law in 1975. This law guarantees that children with disabilities have access to free and appropriate public education. IDEA requires states to provide the same access to all students regardless of their disabilities; promotes individualized education plans (IEPs); and encourages the inclusion of students with disabilities in general classrooms.
Read moreThis year’s National Special Education Day is being celebrated on December 2nd. This day honors the signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which became a law in 1975. This law guarantees that children with disabilities have access to free and appropriate public education. IDEA requires states to provide the same access to all students regardless of their disabilities; promotes individualized education plans (IEPs); and encourages the inclusion of students with disabilities in general classrooms.
Read moreThe holidays are a wonderful time to spend time together and celebrate traditions as a family. Every family celebrates in their own unique way and develops their own traditions. The Noem family has our own Thanksgiving traditions that we enjoy together.
Read moreLiterature classes worldwide study Anton Chekhov (1860-1904), a great innovator of the short story. He wrote closely observed and deeply empathic slices-of-life with a great sense of humor — but the Russian-Lit-class-version of Dr. Chekhov often overlooks the vitality of his work in the theater. Theater- people like me know him as a playwright, the creative counterpart to the acting teacher Konstantin Stanislavsky, who directed and starred in Chekhov's breakthrough play, The Seagull. Together with the other artists of Moscow Art Theater, Chekhov and Stanislavsky pioneered a new style of ensemble performance, focusing on the whole society, rather than one 'main character.'
Read moreTheWagnerAmericanLegion Auxiliary (ALA) Greer Unit #11’s 2024 Girl State Delegate, Presley Slaba joined the Auxiliary for dinner before our monthly meeting. Presley was accompanied by her mom, Mieke Slaba. At the meeting, Presley gave a short overview of her experiences and what she took away from the annual state event. Presley was also presented with a certificate and a Girls State pin by the Wagner ALA Girls State Chairman, Pam Bastemeyer.
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